Key Account Manager

Key Account Manager – Tasks, Roles and Skills

The key account manager takes on the role of a supervisor, an advisor and a permanent point of contact. In times of ever-increasing competitive pressure, key customers are central to a company’s economic strength and future viability. This makes it all the more important that these customers receive expert attention. This is what key account managers do. All the more reason, then, to take a closer look at this job. Who is suitable for the key account manager’s many tasks? What kind of know-how does a key account manager need? And why do they have such an impact on key accounts? In this article you will find answers to all related questions.

What is Key Account Management?

Key Account Managers (KAM) are responsible for looking after the most important customers. These “key accounts” are usually the ones that generate the most revenue for a company. Key accounts play an even bigger role in the B2B sector. This means that a few customers can make and break a company.

Key account managers contribute to customer loyalty by providing targeted support to key customers. They manage complaints, maintain regular and close contact with these customers and accept improvement requests.

As a rule, key account management is a subdivision of the sales and marketing department. Frequently, this area is further segmented into territories, countries or regions.

For example, key account managers may manage several accounts in one country. In a way, key account managers represent the interests of customers within the company. As such, they are an important interface with all other areas of the company such as logistics, marketing and management.

Key Account Manager

The most important tasks of a key account manager

Key Account Managers perform classic sales tasks such as:

  • Contacting customers
  • Preparing offers.

However, the work of a key account manager goes far beyond this. Ultimately, the key account manager’s main task is to align the interests of the most important customers with the interests of the management or the company. The aim is to keep key customers happy and to generate revenue for the company.

Key account management is not about offering standard products or services to many customers. Rather, key account managers must work with top customers to develop possible solutions or strategies for their business. For example, key account managers can take a proactive approach by highlighting potential opportunities for their customers that can help their business move forward.

To keep support at a high level, regular communication within key account management is necessary. Visiting customers or inviting them to discuss new ideas is one of the tasks of KAM.

It is also part of the key account management process to attract new potential customers. As opposed to traditional sales or marketing, KAM is primarily concerned with acquiring new key customers.

In order to provide the best possible advice to customers, a comprehensive knowledge of the relevant markets, products and industries is required. An important task of the key account manager is therefore continuous training. KAMs should be aware of customer and market needs and have a thorough knowledge of their own company’s products.

Finally, key account managers also perform important strategic tasks. They develop possible market strategies or analyse sales trends to identify new approaches to customer care.

What are the core skills of a key account manager?

Key account managers are challenged in many different ways on a daily basis. On a professional level, in-depth business knowledge is important, but so is knowledge of psychology or marketing.

Soft skills such as flexibility, empathy and strategic thinking are essential. KAMs should also be able to act with a high degree of autonomy. Especially when dealing with international key accounts, intercultural competence is essential. The same goes for foreign language skills.

Key Account Manager

The path to becoming a key account manager

There is no typical training or degree for key account management. Candidates for this role often have a degree in business or industrial engineering. However, it is also possible to start with a commercial apprenticeship as well as a business degree. Because of the variety of tasks involved, it is also possible to enter the profession with a degree in psychology or the humanities.

However, if you want to work with key accounts, you will need work experience. Candidates for such roles can gain this experience in account management or on the sales team.

How much does a key account manager earn?

Your salary as a key account manager will depend largely on the industry in which you work. In the food industry, for example, you will earn significantly less than in the highly specialised engineering sector.

Your education also plays a role in determining your salary. Business and sales engineers with technical expertise can expect to earn more than more general business graduates. The average entry-level salary, excluding bonuses, is around €41,000 gross per year.

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Zinc For Hair Loss

Zinc for Hair Loss – Best Treatment

We all want our hair to be healthy, shiny and full. But the reality is often different. So what happens when your hair is suddenly dry and brittle, or when it even starts to fall out? Many people use nutritional supplements. Zinc, in particular, promises to work wonders. In this article, we look at zinc for hair loss. We explain the causes of hair loss and how to recognise zinc deficiency.

What is zinc

Zinc is one of the most important minerals for healthy hair. It plays a crucial role in the metabolic processes needed to grow and maintain strong hair. Zinc is also essential for the building and structuring of our hair, so it’s no surprise that zinc deficiency can be the cause of hair loss. Fortunately, zinc supplementation can be an effective treatment for hair loss. It helps to rebalance the body and promote a healthy scalp.  The human body contains a very small amount of zinc, about 2-3 grams. Because the body cannot produce and only stores small amounts of zinc, it must be obtained from food.

Why does your hair need zinc and how does it work for you?

Hair has a considerable need for zinc. Without zinc, cell division cannot occur and hair cannot grow. Zinc is mainly involved in the formation of collagen, which helps to anchor the hair to the skin. It also plays an important role in the overall structure of the hair.

  • Zinc is involved in the formation of keratin: Keratin is the most important component of hair. It is this protein that makes the hair elastic and gives it strength.
  • Zinc promotes healthy growth of the hair: Energy metabolism is activated. This keeps the scalp healthy and hair growing faster by improving the supply of nutrients to the hair root cells.
  • Zinc is involved in the metabolism of the amino acid cystine: Cystine is an important building block for hair and its structural strength.
  • Zinc protects against inflammation at the root of the hair: it neutralises free radicals and calms overreacting immune systems.
  • Zinc regulates the sebaceous glands: it prevents excessive sebum production, which is responsible for pimples, acne and inflammation.

A regular supply of zinc is essential for healthy hair. This can be done through zinc-containing foods or dietary supplements. A hair analysis will show if there is enough zinc in the hair structure.

If there is a deficiency, it should be corrected as soon as possible. Timely action can prevent greying and hair loss. Only if the hair is supplied with all the necessary substances can it remain strong and healthy for as long as possible.

Zinc For Hair Loss

What are the signs of zinc deficiency?

Because zinc has many functions in the body, a zinc deficiency can manifest itself through many different symptoms. It is very important for metabolic processes that we get enough vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

The symptoms can be divided into physical and mental symptoms.

The following physical symptoms are indicative of zinc deficiency:

  • Dull and brittle hair.
  • Dry and itchy scalp
  • Increased dandruff
  • Hair loss
  • Early greying
  • Weakened immune system

The main mental and emotional symptoms of zinc deficiency are:

  • Feeling tired
  • Listlessness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Low motivation
  • Zinc deficiency can also trigger depression and worsen an existing depression.

You can find out if you have a zinc deficiency by having a blood test done by your doctor. On the other hand, you can take a zinc supplement and see for yourself how your symptoms develop. After four weeks, symptoms usually improve.

An unhealthy diet and eating junk food can lead to zinc deficiency. However, there are also some foods that can adversely affect zinc absorption. These include soft drinks, coffee and cola. The calcium in milk also inhibits the absorption of zinc.

If you take iron tablets, these can also cause zinc deficiency. In this case, you should see a doctor.

As you can see, zinc is very important for your body. Make sure that you are getting enough of it.

Which zinc is best for immune system?

The best form of zinc for the immune system is the one that is easily absorbed and utilised by the body. The most commonly recommended forms of zinc for immune support include zinc gluconate, zinc acetate and zinc citrate. It is also important to note that too much zinc can be harmful.

Zinc For Hair Loss

What types of hair loss can be helped by taking zinc?

Zinc supplementation can be helpful in the treatment of certain types of hair loss. If too many hairs get caught in the brush when you comb your hair in the morning, this is a sign that you have a zinc deficiency. This is called diffuse alopecia, and the hair loss is evenly distributed over the entire head.

A link between zinc deficiency and hair loss has been confirmed for circular hair loss in particular. This is an autoimmune disease in which round, bald patches appear on the head or in the beard. The bald patches become larger and more pronounced the greater the zinc deficiency. Zinc soothes the scalp and protects the hair root from inflammation caused by the immune system. Some researchers believe that zinc tablets can help with circular hair loss.


Taking zinc can help with hair loss caused by zinc deficiency. It depends on the right dose and how long you take it. Many studies have also shown that zinc is effective for circular hair loss. It supports the production of collagen and keratin. It also protects the hair root from inflammation, which can lead to hair loss.

Zinc Hydrolizine is particularly effective due to its high bioavailability. It promotes nutrient delivery to hair root cells and can fight harmful free radicals. Zinc, combined with a balanced diet, proper hair care and stress reduction, can stop hair loss and promote hair growth. You can also read our other article about hair loss after pregnancy.

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Hair Loss After Pregnancy

What to Do About Hair Loss After Pregnancy

After pregnancy, your hair falls out? This can be very worrying. But the good news is: the problem of hair loss will pass. Hair loss after pregnancy is normal. In this article, you will learn what hair loss after pregnancy is all about and what you can do about it.

Is hair loss after pregnancy normal?

Yes, it is absolutely normal. As with so many changes in the female body, sex hormones play a big role in hair loss. In the period between fertilisation and birth, oestrogen levels rise sharply. It gives most women, among other things, a particularly clear, beautiful complexion, strong nails and shiny, full hair. This is because oestrogen slows down the natural process of hair growth and loss, the hair cycle. More precisely, the hair stays longer in the growth phase.

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Does hair loss after pregnancy grow back?

Pregnancy can cause many changes in a woman’s body, including hair loss. For some women, pregnancy-related hair loss can be temporary and the hair will grow back after the baby is born. For others, however, it may take longer for the hair to grow back. Fortunately, there are several ways to speed up healthy hair growth after pregnancy. These include eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, using special shampoos and taking supplements if necessary. With these tips, many women can look forward to regaining their pre-pregnancy hair volume in no time.

How long does hair loss last after pregnancy?

In most cases, hormone levels normalise after three to six months, and the hair life cycle returns to normal. In some cases, it can take up to a year for hair loss to disappear after pregnancy and hormone changes.

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

What to do against hair loss after pregnancy?

Unfortunately, there is not much you can do about hair loss. After pregnancy and birth, your body needs rest and time to regenerate. The exertions of childbirth, lack of sleep, stress and malnutrition can increase hair loss. Therefore, take the following advice to heart:

  • Allow your body to rest.
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Use gentle shampoos to protect your hair and scalp.
  • If you have longer hair, wear it loose. A plait or ponytail increases mechanical irritation and makes it easier to fall out.
  • A scalp massage stimulates the blood circulation in the scalp.
  • Avoid stress and situations that make you feel uncomfortable. 
  • Use good combs and brushes that do not roughen the horny layer.
  • Avoid hairstyles that are tied too tightly and pull on the scalp. They can increase hair loss or cause inflammation of the hair follicles, which can cause hair loss.

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Why Valentine’s Day Is Celebrated

Why Valentine’s Day Is Celebrated

February 14 is Valentine’s Day in many parts of the world. Lovers use it to give each other small gifts and spend a romantic day with their partner. It is the only time when men buy more flowers than women. Some sceptics argue that Valentine’s Day is an invention of flower sellers, especially as florists can make huge sales on this day. But this is not true. Where does the tradition come from? In this article, we will explain why Valentine’s Day celebrated is.

Where Valentine’s Day came from

Saint Valentine is considered the “Father of Valentine’s Day”. He lived in the 3rd century and was Bishop of Interamna, today’s Terni in Umbria in central Italy. Many traditions also speak of a Valentine of Rome. This may be the same person. Today there are so many myths and legends about Valentine of Terni that one can assume that the stories of different people were mixed up or that some were simply invented or falsely told.

Valentine of Terni certainly died as a martyr. He was allegedly executed on 14 February 269 AD. 200 years later, the Church, therefore, established 14 February as a day of remembrance. This is how Valentine’s Day came into being in its original sense.

Why Valentine’s Day Is Celebrated

What Valentine’s Day is really about

The legends surrounding the life and work of St. Valentine have contributed to the significance of Valentine’s Day. These include, for example, the following stories:

  • Valentine of Terni was allegedly known as a miracle healer. As a result, he is said to have won many people over to the Christian faith, which landed him in prison during the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. During his time in prison, he is said to have healed the blind daughter of an overseer and sent her a love letter before his death, which he signed “Your Valentine”.
  • As a priest, Valentine of Terni is said to have married lovers in a Christian way, despite the prohibition. In many stories, this is the reason for his execution. Especially for soldiers marriage was forbidden at that time, and exactly those are said to have married bishop Valentine with their beloved women.
  • According to legend, Bishop Valentine was also an avid gardener. He is said to have given flowers to all lovers who passed by his monastery garden. He also gave (illicitly) plants to the bridal couples he married in Christianity.

Can Valentine’s Day be for friends or family?

Although Valentine’s Day is a day for lovers to celebrate their love for each other, it can also be for friends and family.  In addition to the partner, family members, friends and colleagues are increasingly given presents. It doesn’t matter if you’re not in a relationship, because Valentine’s Day can still be about love and appreciation. It doesn’t just have to be about your partner or spouse.

Is Valentine’s Day a public holiday? Are the stores open?

This is not a public holiday. Therefore, the stores have normal opening hours.

Valentine’s Day gifts

Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to show your loved one how much you love them. Whether with a flower, a piece of jewellery or sexy lingerie, all these gifts will make Valentine’s Day a day to remember.

Valentine’s Day movie

There is nothing better than a romantic evening for couples to celebrate Valentine’s Day. So, we have created a list of movies that will make you fall in love with your partner all over again.

  • Love Story (1970)
  • Ghost (1990)
  • Pretty Woman (1990)
  • Notting Hill (199)
  • Breakfast At Tiffany’s (1961)
  • Gone With The Wind (1939)
  • Love Actually (2003)
  • Casablanca (1942)
  • A Room With A View (1986)
  • The Shape Of Water (2017)


Surprising facts about Valentine’s Day

  • In Malaysia, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Pakistan, Valentine’s Day is forbidden to celebrate! Anyone caught with flowers, chocolate or a glass of wine on this occasion will be severely punished.
  • In Japan, women give chocolates to their men. The men return the favour on March 14, known as “White Day,” by giving the women white chocolate, underwear and/or jewellery.
  • Most greeting cards are not given on Valentine’s Day at all, but at Christmas.
  • Most Valentine’s Day cards go to teachers.
  • Three-quarters of all men buy flowers on February 14.
  • Your pet can also become your Valentine. About 3% of pet lovers give their pets a little extra attention on this day.
  • Valentine’s gifts are most often bought by women-especially for themselves.


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How get rid of it

Bad Breath: How to Get Rid of It

In medical terminology, two terms are used for bad breath: “Foeter ex ore” and “Halitosis”. They are often used synonymously. Bad breath is a big problem for many people and in many ways an uncomfortable taboo subject. Although bad breath rarely indicates a serious health problem, it is extremely unpleasant for those affected. For many of those affected, this is initially incomprehensible, as they often do not even notice the bad smell. Bad breath is usually caused by insufficient oral hygiene. Then the bacteria responsible for the bad breath multiply. Read here how to get rid of it.

Causes of bad breath

Bad breath usually comes directly from the mouth or throat. Only rarely can the stomach or oesophagus be the cause of bad breath. The most common cause is irregular brushing of the teeth. An unpleasant-smelling, shameful plaque forms. Dozens of bacteria from food residues, dead cells and blood accumulate in the mouth, which is unhealthy for dental hygiene. They adhere to teeth, gum pockets and defective fillings. Bacteria also settle on our tongue. Among other things, these microorganisms excrete sulphur compounds in our mouths that are unpleasant to the human nose. Bad breath can also be caused by low saliva flow. This happens, for example, when we sleep or talk too much, smoke or drink very little. Generally, unpleasant odours coming from the mouth occur after eating. The main causes are also: smoking, alcohol, garlic or onions.
However, if the bad breath lasts longer, you should see a doctor, because then there may be invisible diseases or inflammations. This could be caries or tonsillitis, for example. But the sinuses can also be affected. Diabetes, kidney failure and stress can also be the result of bad breath. However, this is a rather rare case. However, you must seek treatment immediately.
You can use a cotton swab to test if you have bad breath. Hold the cotton swab near your throat, scrape off some of the tongue coatings and take a sample of the smell. However, as you are already used to your breath, you may not notice the unpleasant smell. If you are concerned, you should ask someone you trust about your bad breath.

How to get rid of it

How to get rid of it

  • Tip 1: Regular brushing is of course the most important prerequisite for fresh breath. Electric toothbrushes achieve better results than normal toothbrushes. You should also floss your interdental spaces once a day. Mouthwashes can also help.
  • Tip 2: Not only your teeth but also your tongue should be cleaned regularly. Some toothbrushes have rubber elevations at the back of the brush head that makes it easier to clean the tongue. There are also special tongue brushes. Don’t be afraid to use toothpaste to clean your tongue.
  • Tip 3: Drinking plenty of fluids is very important. Water or tea is best, especially black tea. This promotes fresh breath. The polyphenols in tea can inhibit the growth of specific bacteria that cause bad breath.

How to get rid of it with naturally

  • Tip 1: Herbs are an old household trick against bad breath. The essential oils of parsley suppress annoying odours for a short time. If you chew on parsley, peppermint or sage for about ten minutes, your breath will become fresh again relatively quickly.
  • Tip 2: Chewing ginger, fennel seeds, coffee beans, cloves or juniper berries also inhibits bad-smelling breath. That’s why peppermint and fennel tea are also good for bad breath.
  • Tip 3: Chlorophyll binds bad odours and is available as lozenges in pharmacies.
  • Tip 4: Natural yoghurt is said to dispel unpleasant odours. The yoghurt should not contain sugar and should not be sweetened.

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Cucumber Diet

How Does the Cucumber Diet Work?

Cucumber is not only a super beauty weapon for a natural glow and fresh skin: the versatile vegetable can also help you lose weight. Cucumbers are the lowest calorie food and are healthy for the pancreas, support digestion. They are also rich in minerals, vitamins, enzymes and trace elements. In this article, we reveal how the cucumber diet works.

Is the cucumber diet healthy?

In addition to helping to lose weight, cucumber also helps many ailments such as joint pain and rheumatism. Due to its high water content, cucumber also fights constipation, calms the heart and strengthens connective tissue. 100 g of cucumber is only 14 cal in total. Therefore, the cucumber is a real slimming aid and can be eaten in large quantities during diets without a guilty conscience.

Cucumbers are good for our health and are especially refreshing in summer. Their high water content keeps the body hydrated. Cucumbers are rich in good nutrients and antioxidants that can help treat and even prevent some diseases. For all these reasons, we can conclude that the cucumber diet is healthy.

Cucumber Juice

What makes the cucumber so valuable?

But why is the cucumber considered such a wonder weapon? There are several reasons:

  • It contains a lot of bitter substances. These stimulate fat burning and the liver and curb the desire for sweets.
  • Thanks to the tartaric acid contained in the cucumber, the body cannot store carbohydrates as fat but can convert them directly into energy.
  • The enzymes contained in the cucumber kill bad bacteria in your intestines.
  • Potassium and magnesium as alkaline minerals balance out, and the body now no longer has to store excess acids in the fat cells.
    The cucumber consists of 95 percent water. This means that many active ingredients are supplied to the body in an optimally diluted form.
  • The cucumber has only 14 kcal per 100 g.
    Thanks to the fiber, digestion is promoted and the metabolism is relieved.
  • As you can see, this vegetable can do a lot! However, you should not rely exclusively on cucumbers – because so-called mono-diets can lead to dangerous deficiency symptoms and health risks!

Cucumber Diet

How the cucumber diet works

Unlike many other diets that quickly become monotonous, the cucumber diet has several variants to choose from. It is advisable to combine them. This provides variety on the table and helps to persevere with the weight loss variant. Cucumbers contain many valuable ingredients – so it’s worth integrating them into your daily diet! However, a mono diet in which only cucumbers are eaten is less advisable. If you return to your old eating habits afterwards, you will quickly put on the unloved kilos again.

Method 1: Incorporate as much cucumber as possible into your meals. Alternatively, you can replace one meal a day with a recipe that includes cucumber.

Method 2: Have a piece of cucumber before each normal meal, this will fill your stomach and make you feel fuller faster.

Method 3: Squeeze the cucumber and drink it as cucumber juice every morning. At lunch and dinner, combine the cucumber juice with cucumber salad (with little oil or yoghurt). Combine it as a side dish with all kinds of food, you will feel full faster and eat less.

Methods can be combined

Just try out which method suits you best to integrate cucumbers into your diet. You can also combine the different variants or change them daily. The only important thing is that you don’t just eat cucumbers. Even though vegetable contains many important nutrients, a diet that is too one-sided always carries the risk of deficiency symptoms.

However, the cucumber diet is a healthy weight-loss method that does not make you hungry and keeps you full.

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Tartar on the Dog’s Teeth

How to Prevent Tartar on the Dog’s Teeth

A healthy and well-maintained set of teeth is also very important for the well-being and health of dogs. Therefore, dog owners need to pay attention to the good oral hygiene of their animals. Even seemingly harmless plaque can pave the way for tartar and serious dental diseases. Small dog breeds in particular are prone to heavy tartar build-up. In this article, you will learn how to prevent tartar on the dog’s teeth.

What causes dog tartar?

Tartar is formed by an interaction of various substances in the oral cavity. Bacteria, together with food residues, saliva, and exfoliated cells of the oral mucosa, form a layer that adheres to the tooth surfaces. This layer is called plaque.

Plaque adheres especially to hard-to-reach areas of the teeth and in the spaces between the teeth. Dogs with a short muzzle and the resulting misalignment of the teeth are particularly affected by this. In these dogs, the teeth are too close together or at an angle, so that the plaque can adhere even better. If this plaque remains on the teeth, mineral salts, especially calcium phosphate, from the dog’s saliva are deposited on it and harden into tartar.

The surface of the tartar provides a surface for more bacteria and plaque to attack. The bacteria migrate to the gums and underneath, causing inflammation (gingivitis). This inflammation can spread to the periodontium (periodontitis), which can lead to the destruction and loss of the entire tooth.

Tartar on the Dog’s Teeth

How do I recognise tartar on a dog’s teeth?

The first signs of impending tartar on a dog’s teeth are the soft deposits and plaque already mentioned. They are easy to recognise by their yellowish colour. If nothing is done about it, hard tartar will form. This is characterised by a grey-brown colour and is usually very foul-smelling, which leads to a change in your four-legged friend’s mouth odour. The reason for this is the strong-smelling metabolic waste products of the bacteria that feed on food remains and live in and on the tartar.

Due to the irritation of the gums, tartar infestation often leads to gingivitis. The inflamed areas are easily recognised by their reddish, possibly even bloody discolouration. If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately consult a vet to have the tartar removed.

The symptoms described are extremely unpleasant for your pet. Under certain circumstances, this pain can also lead to changes in eating behaviour. For example, dogs often have an unusual lack of appetite or only chew on one side. If you notice these or similar signs, you should have your dog’s teeth checked or examined by a veterinarian.

The following symptoms and accompanying signs can be summarised as signs of tartar in dogs:

  • Yellowish, soft deposits on the teeth.
  • Grey-brown, hardened deposits.
  • Changed or foul-smelling bad breath
  • Irritated, reddish, or even bloody gums
  • Unusual eating behaviour

How to prevent tartar in dogs

You can prevent tartar in dogs with good dental care. To prevent tartar in dogs, it is best to combine the following methods:

  • Regular tooth brushing: It is best to use a dog toothbrush, dog toothpaste, and special rinses or dab the teeth with concentrated chlorhexidine. This cleans the teeth and interdental spaces, thus removing the basis for tartar.
  • Feeding dry food; Dry food must be chewed more than wet food and therefore stimulates salivation. In addition, wet food settles more quickly in the interdental spaces.
  • Mix anti-tartar powders into the food: Anti-tartar powders bind the calcium in saliva and are thus supposed to help dissolve plaque faster or prevent it from forming in the first place. Because the ingredients in these powders can enter the blood through digestion, we recommend that you check with your veterinarian to determine if these powders are suitable for your dog.
  • Regularly give your dog snacks for dental care: Make sure they are as natural as possible and do not contain added sugar. The harder they are to chew, the more effective they are. But be careful of chewing items that are too hard. Bones, deer antlers and the like can lead to tooth fractures.
  • Use dental care toys: Dental care toys encourage dogs to chew and thus contribute to increased salivation. This reduces the risk of stubborn deposits. Some toys also clean the teeth mechanically.
  • Go for regular teeth cleaning What works for humans also works for dogs. Talk to your vet about how often it makes sense to have your dog’s teeth professionally cleaned and have your dog’s teeth checked at least once a year.

Tartar Removal

Tartar removal for dogs

To permanently remove the dog’s tartar, professional dental cleaning at the vet is necessary. This is done under a light anaesthetic. During the treatment, the vet removes the tartar from the tooth with an ultrasound. If the tartar has already spread and settled in the gum pockets, these are also carefully cleaned. The teeth are then polished, as the smooth surface prevents the formation of tartar. After the tartar removal, the vet reassesses the condition of the teeth and dentition. In some cases, further treatment is then required to remove the tartar completely. In severe cases, complete removal of the tooth may be necessary.

How to remove tartar from dogs naturally

Once a dog has hard tartar, it is almost impossible to remove it with a toothbrush. There are special tartar scrapers, but these carry a high risk of damaging the oral mucosa, gums, or enamel by slipping off. Another method is to rub the teeth with a dental care gel. If the gel is applied for a longer time, it may loosen the tartar.

You can check out our other useful articles about health here.

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Make money online without experience

Make Money Online Without Experience

The internet is full of sources of income. It has never been so easy to make money online without experience. You don’t need much more than a laptop, a smartphone or tablet and an internet connection. Then you can get started and earn a part-time or full-time income on the internet as soon as possible. Making money online seems to be the step to financial independence and the freedom that comes with it. In this article, we will show you various possibilities and tips on how to make money online and earn passive income even with no experience.

Is it real to make money online without experience?

This is a question that has been asked for years. The answer is quite simple: Yes, it is real to make money online without experience. There are plenty of ways to do this, but the most important thing is to have an idea. What matters is not that you have experience, but that you have a good idea.

Can I make money without investment?

The World Wide Web does not only occur on social networks, it also offers you countless opportunities to earn a lot of money in a short time. You don’t necessarily need investment to take advantage of these opportunities. There are many ways to make money online without any investment. In other words, you can make money online without money. But remember that you can increase your return even with a small investment.

Make money online without experience

The 4 Best Ways to Earn Money in 2022

1) Start Youtube Channel

Since YouTube became part of the Internet giant Google, it has become by far the best-known and most important video platform in the world. The best thing about YouTube is that you don’t need to invest any money to start making money with it. All you have to do is create one video and upload it to your channel. With Youtube, you also have the opportunity to make money online without showing your face. Using your creativity, you can create interesting videos without showing your face with free video editing programs, or you can record your travels and present vacation ideas to other people at the same time.

Make money online with surveys

2) Make Money Online With Surveys

With paid surveys, you can easily earn money online without much effort. You simply register with various portals, receive the surveys by email and can then earn money on the side with just a few clicks. Various apps also offer such surveys. Since the surveys take about 1-10 minutes to complete, you can also answer them from the comfort of your cell phone, for example, when you’re sitting in the subway, waiting in line at the supermarket, or want to spend the commercial break in front of the TV.

What qualifications should you have?

You don’t need any special qualifications to participate in surveys. However, you may not be a good fit for some surveys, as companies usually tailor their products to a specific target audience. Likewise, there will be many surveys that fit you exactly. Therefore, specify as many interests as possible when registering, and the portals will assign you more surveys.

Make money online with print on demand

3) Print on Demand

Are you creative but don’t know how to make money with it? Print-on-demand is an easy way to earn passive income. Whether books, T-shirts, sweatshirts or socks – print-on-demand is becoming increasingly popular. Nowadays, anyone can use it to have their very own personal print product produced. Print-on-demand (POD) usually runs via web-to-print platforms. There, each product can be developed individually. After it has been checked by the provider, it is printed.

Many print-on-demand providers rely on user-generated designs. This has the advantage that the POD platforms do not have to hire their designers and can offer a wide range of designs with the many designs of the users. The designers receive a share of the profits in the form of a commission when their designs are sold. There are countless print-on-demand platforms. Redbubble, Teepublic, Spreadshirt, Merch by Amazon, and Society 6 are well-known platforms that all rely on the commission model.

Affiliate Marketing

4) Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to earn passive income. It is a simple business model where you get a commission for promoting or selling a product or service that you are not directly associated with. This can be linked to a blog or social media, for example, because nowadays you can offer almost all affiliate programs on third-party platforms. For example, if you are already very active on Facebook, YouTube or Instagram and regularly publish content, you can earn extra money with additional affiliate links.

These are just a few ways that you can make money online without experience, but they’re all good ones to get started with.

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Black CUmin Oil

Black Cumin Oil Is So Healthy: Application, Tips, Effect and Recipes

Black cumin oil is a real secret tip from naturopathy and can have many positive effects on your health. As part of a healthy, balanced diet, it can have anti-inflammatory and blood pressure-lowering effects. In this article, learn how black cumin oil strengthens the immune system and your health and how you can use it.

What is black cumin oil?

As the name suggests, black cumin oil is extracted from the seeds of the black cumin plant, botanically called “Nigella sativa”. Black cumin has been cultivated for thousands of years in the West Asian region (Turkey, Iraq) and is valued as a spice and medicinal plant. Found Papyrus Scrolls prove that even the ancient Egyptians called black cumin oil “the gold of the pharaohs”. A bottle of it was even found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

Black Cumin Seeds

How to make black cumin oil

Two different types of oil can be obtained from black cumin: a normal edible oil and essential oil. To produce the edible oil, the seeds of the black cumin plant are first dried and then cold-pressed. This preserves the ingredients better. The essential oil is extracted through a special evaporation process. Up to 60 kilograms of black cumin seeds are needed for one litre.

Theoretically, you could also make the whole thing yourself: To do this, put about 500 grams of black cumin seeds together with one litre of olive oil in a preserving jar and leave the whole thing in a warm place for about three weeks. Then filter out the seeds again. However, the ingredients of the self-made variant cannot be compared with those of mechanically cold-pressed oil.

Black cumin oil contains important nutrients

Black cumin oil consists of 60 percent polyunsaturated fatty acids, followed by 20 to 25 percent monounsaturated fatty acids. The highest proportion is oleic acid, linoleic acid and saponins (they belong to the secondary plant substances). It also contains essential oils and essential amino acids such as L-phenylalanine and L-tyrosine. These in turn are basic building blocks of the messenger substances adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine. In addition to the minerals biotin, selenium and magnesium, black cumin oil also contains various vitamins – such as provitamin A, various B vitamins, as well as vitamin C and vitamin E.

Black Cumin Oil

What is black cumin oil good for?

Black cumin oil is said to have innumerable health effects in the most diverse areas. In naturopathy it is used in particular for the following complaints:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Digestive problems
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Alleviation of the side effects of chemotherapy
  • Skin diseases such as acne or neurodermatitis

Black cumin is also said to strengthen the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Intake, use and dosage

The uses of black cumin oil are manifold. It can be used both internally and externally. Since the oil tastes and smells very intense, it is rather difficult to integrate it into daily nutrition. Therefore, it is usually taken as a supplement and is also available in capsule form. Regarding dosage, it also recommends: “Studies have applied up to five milliliters of oil (equivalent to half a tablespoon to a tablespoon) or three grams of seeds.” However, experts say that the additional calories taken should not be ignored. For external use, for example against acne, the oil can be applied undiluted to the affected skin areas. However, if you suffer from neurodermatitis, you should dilute it with carrier oil. Argan oil, for example, is suitable for this.

Can side effects occur?

In principle, side effects rarely occur when using or taking black cumin oil. Studies have reported that occasionally itching or nausea may occur. Another study also mentions a slight drop in blood sugar levels. Only rarely have allergic skin reactions occurred. According to experts, a contact allergy cannot be ruled out in the case of local application. They also advise against taking black seed oil on an empty stomach, as it can irritate the stomach lining. Another reported side effect is increased belching.

In general, experts recommend stopping treatment with black seed oil immediately if there are signs of side effects. Pregnant women should also refrain from taking it in concentrated form to be on the safe side, as a labour-inducing effect cannot be ruled out.

You can check out our other useful articles about health here.

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Aloe Vera Juice

What Aloe Vera Juice Is Good For

It is undeniable that aloe vera has a wonderfully cooling and truly refreshing effect on the skin. But why should you use the plant’s gel only for external application? Treat yourself to a glass of tangy, fruity aloe vera juice and get your digestion and immune system going. What freshly squeezed aloe vera juice is all about and what health effects the juice can have, we reveal in this article.

Aloe Vera Juice

How to make the aloe vera juice

The gel of aloe vera works wonders when applied to the skin. The cooling effect and the anti-inflammatory effect have already made many sunburns heal faster. But it’s no secret that our skin is generally happy about the rich vitamins and nutrients contained in the gel. But aloe vera is not only suitable for applying to irritated skin, you can also drink juice from the fresh gel.

Meanwhile, many manufacturers sell freshly squeezed aloe vera juice even in conventional supermarkets. For the production, the leaves of aloe vera are thoroughly peeled. The greenish-yellow layer under the bark is also removed to get rid of unhealthy leaf substances. The gel is then cold pressed in mechanical processes and bottled – ready is the pure juice. However, the juices are also available as mixed juices, where aloe vera is blended with others, usually citrus juices. Aloe vera juice is rich in important nutrients, such as:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium

Aloe Vera Juice

These health effects can have aloe vera juice

May stimulate digestion

When cold-pressing aloe vera juice from the fruit gel, it is impossible to avoid the transfer of some components from the marginal layers between the pulp and the leaf bark into the juice. Why is this important? There are many anthraquinones in the leaf rinds and the juice between the gel and the rind. These natural plant compounds have a laxative effect. Components of aloe vera have already been successfully used in preparations against constipation. But don’t worry, although some anthraquinones pass into the juice during juice production, it does not have a laxative effect. Rather, the juice is said to have a digestive effect. Sometimes the small amounts of anthraquinones seem to stimulate digestion.

It can help plump up the skin

The gel of the aloe vera plant, which is so wonderfully cooling, can soothe irritation and have an anti-inflammatory effect when applied to the skin. But can the skin also benefit when we drink tart, fruity juice? According to some small studies, yes! Researchers found in a 2020 study that skin’s protective function, elasticity and moisture content improved in volunteers and subjects who consumed 40 micrograms of aloe sterols daily over 12 weeks. Sterols belong to the group of membrane lipids. In other words, they are vegetable fats that are used to build cells. Taken orally, the sterols from aloe vera juice appear to have a positive effect on the collagen content of the skin.

Protection through antioxidants

Antioxidants are natural substances that can inhibit the harmful effects of free radicals. With the help of antioxidants, which also include vitamins, highly reactive and aggressive free oxygen compounds, which are formed as by-products of metabolic processes in our body, can be rendered harmless. Free radicals cause cell damage through oxidation. The good news is that aloe vera juice is enormously rich in antioxidant substances. First and foremost, the super substance vitamin C, which strengthens our immune system and can protect the cells of our body from oxidation. In addition, aloe vera juice also contains cell-protecting vitamin E and vitamin A. The latter is enormously important for the health of our skin cells and hair. By the way, many studies have proven that aloe vera is very effective as an anti-inflammatory agent and supports the fat metabolism of the body.

Can soothe the gums

Those who frequently suffer from gingivitis, aphthae or other inflammations of the oral mucosa can sometimes accelerate healing with aloe vera juice. The anti-inflammatory components of the fresh and cooling juice support the regeneration of the mucous membranes. The mild antibacterial effect also prevents the proliferation of bacteria that irritate weakened gums and oral mucosa. So the next time you have discomfort, feel free to take a few sips of the refreshingly tart juice.

You can check out our other useful articles about health here.

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